7 Highblood Pressure Lowering Foods

 One of the ways to keep a person’s blood pressure low is to watch what it eats.

Aside from avoiding foods that cause high blood pressure, there are also foods that lower blood pressure that have also been proven by health experts. Here are some of the foods to eat:

1. Onions

Garlic has many proven benefits to the body. From being anti-inflammatory to wounds, garlic is also known to lower pressure. Bawan contains nitric oxide that the body has proven to need to lower hypertension or high blood pressure.

Garlic can be eaten in dishes or put under the tongue for a few minutes until it takes effect. Its juice can also be extracted to make it effective quickly.

2. Tomato

Another condiment can lower blood pressure if you have high blood pressure. According to a study conducted by Tokyo Medical and Dental University, drinking pure tomato juice has been shown to lower blood pressure.

Tomato juice can be made and drunk a glass of it daily. It must be pure and not mixed with any spices such as salt or sugar because it is said to have no effect. Aside from lowering blood pressure, tomatoes are also a great help in heart health.

3. Salmon and Mackerel

Since fatty meats are not good for high bloods, the best alternative is fish, specifically salmon and mackerel or any fish rich in omega 3.

Omeg 3 fatty acids have been proven to lower blood pressure. These types of fish are also rich in vitamin D which is essential for a healthy body.

4. Sunflower or Peanut Seeds

Scratches that we think are just a pastime are also good for keeping blood pressure low. Seeds such as sunflower and squash seeds contain magnesium, potassium, and other minerals that reduce high blood pressure.

It has also been proven that eating legumes or nuts helps maintain proper blood pressure and lowers the threat of developing heart disease.

5. Bananas

Fruit is good for those with high blood pressure because of its vitamin and mineral reserves. But one of the most nutritious and necessary for those with hypertension is the banana.

Like sunflower seeds and watermelon, bananas are high in potassium, which the body needs to maintain balanced blood pressure.

6. Dark Chocolate

If you want a kind of dessert for lowering pressure, you can eat dark chocolate. According to some studies this type of chocolate has been proven to reduce the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. It has high cocoa solids compared to other types of chocolate that are good for the body.

7. Olive Oil

The body also needs healthy fat even with hypertension sometimes. And this healthy fat can be obtained by using olive oil which contains polyphenols that help in lowering blood pressure. It can be used for frying or as a salad dressing.

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